Sunday, November 26, 2006

Ashlyn's Baby Blessing & Thanksgiving

Check Out My Dress! Mommy was blessed in it 22 years ago!

On Wednesday November 22nd, 2006 mom and dad took me to Park City, Utah so that I could get a name and a blessing. It was the first time I got to meet most of my aunts and uncles on the Horspool side too. It was a great time! First off, that afternoon we had a little birthday party for my little cousin Kira who turned 4, and then in the evening I was the center of attention! About 40-50 people came to a condo that Grandpa owns, and we had Bishop Rich (one of Jason's friend's dad) there to preside over it. Dad got a little emotional, during the blessing, what a wimpo but it was good nonetheless. I think mom got a little nervous when dad said that I would be the first of "many" children to come. Only time will tell what that was all about! I was well behaved the whole time, and just looked at daddy without making a sound. Good for me! I get to wear the dress again when I get pictures taken this week! Yay!!!
My pre-Thanksgiving dinner mishap:

For some reason I have a hard time keeping my milk down, I might be eating it too fast, or gulping too much air. I don't think it's anything to worry about, but mom and dad are sure getting sick of it. The day before Thanksgiving I feasted too much, and here are the results for you to see. Daddy caught it all on tape, because prior to the unfortunate event, all my little cousins were givine me sweet little kisses. Enjoy! HAHA!

As you can see here, it's not the first time I've done this. This happened at the Knoebel's and it got all over mom, even down here back. I also projected my spit up far enough to mess up Nate and Mandy's couches and throw pillows! Good thing it was an easy clean up with no stains!

Uncle Mike pukes easy too:

During the time in Park City, my uncle Bryan wanted to make impressions of people's teeth so he could practice making bleaching trays. Everyone seemed to handle it pretty good, except for my uncle Mike. He gags easy, we're just lucky he didn't spit up like I do all the time!!


* For your viewing pleasures, there is a new album posted on our imagestation account. Just follow the "Our Friends and Family" link!


nana and atom said...

the holidays were great, thanks to the horspool family! glad i got to be there to represent... and take my place as favorite aunt. the blessing was awesome, daddy did a great job... although i guess "The Man" really is just "the man" after all those tears. heh heh heh. you know i LOVE you!

#15 said...

aw yeah nana, i like that -- "the man" :)

good job Ashlyn for continuing in the tradition established by your cousin Ethan for messing up Nate's stuff -- excellent work!

#15 said...

you know, and i know this is going to sound odd coming from me, but i still can't get over the fact that heather had an asian-looking baby! how trippy is that!

nana and atom said...

oh come on, every REAL man has to have a sensitive side!

#15 said...

you know, that's probably the difference there -- blonde vs. brunette. more striking of a difference when a blonde is carrying around an asian baby, i guess!

Kristin said...

Yo Jason,
It's Will Wu (from Washington 2). How've you been? This is the only way I could figure out to get a hold of you. Send me your email address when you get the chance.
Cute Kid. Definitely tan like you.