Thursday, June 07, 2012

The Story of the Gopher and the Beans

Here are Heather's beans.

Here is the gopher that lives next to Heather's beans.

One day two of Heather's bean plants were missing without a trace.

 The next day they were all gone.  Heather was not happy.

Heather put a bounty on the gopher's head.

Jason delivered.

This gopher won't mess with Heather's beans anymore. 

Moral of the story:  Don't mess with Heather's stuff.  The end.


Aub said...

wow I was so surprised to see you had a post! not to rub it in or anything, but I still have my beans :) Love the story though.

Josh and Tiff said...

hahahahahahaha. that last picture is my favorite. wait, the whole story was my favorite. thanks for the recap. I miss you guys.

Jonny said...

I had to do the same thing when we had gophers running around our backyard. I slipped the bb gun out the window and popped two of them before they even knew what hit them. I told the authorities it was in self-defense.

the man said...

Just bring some beans over now Aub...

the man said...

It's not like you are that far away...beach trip? Disneyland?...

the man said...

My man Jonny! A bb gun in tx? Seems like you'd have something more powerful than that in your holster... Miss you bro.

Matt and Melissa said...

I have to say that after such a long absence from the blogging world this is a rather violent and vindictive post. But, glad to see something new! And Matt can totally relate...just ask him about our super smart gopher that evaded every poison and trap!

Michelle said...

that's kind of a gross photo op...flinging he gopher up in the air I mean. I guess he had it comin' though, especially if the MAN gets a gun in his hands!

Anonymous said...

This made me smile!!!