Right after Adam and Russell left, Jason played in an actual softball game! I had never seen him play softball before, so it was pretty fun. It was "Talent" vs. "Sheriffs". Local news guys played for charity. Unfortunately team Talent did not live up to the name and they got slaughtered. I did get a few fun pictures though! And Jason didn't have any strike-outs!
Ashlyn cheering on her daddy
The rice squatter...aka the catcher
No grand slam hit to save the day from Money Tang? What was the final score?
nice work! looking sharp! (this is nancy, not alyssa)
Ummm.. I think the final was 23-5. we did lead at one point 5-3. It was only a 7 inning game too... sad.
Games like that should only be 5 innings, or maybe even less. You guys got worked! Ouch!
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